Bosnia and Herzegovina, the "broken
pipes" of history
In several
cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
from May 28th to June 2nd, an
important history festival was held
which brought together about 100
historians from the region. This
year, however, the History Fest has
become a case of ethno-political
Alfredo Sasso | July 4, 2019 |
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

An unsigned letter and a mysterious broken pipe triggered the new
history war in the former Yugoslav region. Almost three decades have
passed since the beginning of the crisis that led to the dissolution
of Yugoslavia, and in recent years there have been numerous
initiatives to circulate ideas and compare different
historiographical approaches.
Conferences, joint publications, researcher and student mobility are
growing, but the forces that dominate the political framework do not
accept the questioning of their own myths and canonical narratives
on the '20th century and in particular on the 1990s. This is
supported by media pressure and a climate of general conformity in
cultural and educational institutions.
In this context, Bosnia and Herzegovina stands out negatively, as
shown by the revisionist discourse of Bosniak nationalism – see the
rehabilitation in Sarajevo of Mustafa Busuladžić, a pro-ustaša and
pro-fascist intellectual – and Serbian nationalism – with the
repeated revisionist attempts by the institutions of Republika
Srpska on the facts of Srebrenica.
The latest example of this tension is the case of the History Fest,
an annual history festival now in its third edition, held between
May 28th and June 2nd in different cities of the country (Sarajevo,
Mostar, Banja Luka, and Konjic). The promoter of the History Fest is
a non-governmental body from Sarajevo, the Association for a Modern
History (UHMIS), chaired by Husnija Kamberović, one of the most
important contemporary historians in the region.
This year, the History Fest brought together about a hundred
historians, intellectuals, young researchers, and direct witnesses
from the post-Yugoslav and international sphere. The central theme
of the festival was the fall of communism and the comparison between
the different 1989s – the Yugoslav and the European one. There were
several notable guests, including former Slovenian president Milan
Kučan and Croatian president Stipe Mesić, Serbian historical and
politicians Ljubinka Trgočević and Latinka Perović, former Bosnian
members of the Yugoslav presidency Raif Dizdarević and Bogić
On May 31st, while travelling from Sarajevo to the National Theatre
of Banja Luka where a festival event was to be held, Husnija
Kamberović received a sudden phone call, warning him that at the
theatre a "pipe" had broken out that made it impossible to hold the
event. In a hurry, the organisers found an alternative, a modest
room in a city centre hotel. Yet the suspicion spread that, rather
than an accident, there had been political pressure on the National
Theatre, owned by the Republika Srpska government, to obstruct the
festival. The news became public, but the theatre – with a dense
agenda of events that did not undergo any other changes in those
days – issued no official communication. At the same time, a letter
that increased suspicions began to circulate on the media and social
Manipulations of history
The letter is laconically signed "History Study Programme", with a
heading of the faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja
Luka, but without names and surnames. This is a protest appeal
against "the manipulation of history at the National Theatre of the
Republika Srpska". The document attacks the organisers of the
History Fest, who allegedly "avoided involving authors from the
Republika Srpska" and instead invited some Serbian intellectuals –
Latinka Perović, Sonja Biserko, Milivoje Beslin, Dubravka Stojanović
– defined as "full-blown promoters of the Bosniak national
ideology". The participation of politicians protagonists of the
Yugoslav crisis of the 1980s and 1990s is also criticised, as no
"relevant representative of Serbian politics of those years" was
allegedly included.
The letter then cites research on historical events crucial to the
Serbian people that would have been presented at the festival,
including Jasenovac by well-known Croatian historian Ivo Goldstein,
devoted to the Ustasha extermination camp for Serbs, Jews, Roma, and
partisans. With some allusions, the letter seems to lament the fact
that research was being carried out on the Serbian people written by
non-Serbs. In conclusion, the document defines the History Fest as
an "anti-Serbian provocation" and invites the institutions of
Republika Srpska to take action.
Although the festival has ended without incidents, with an increase
in participants and public, this rift can leave serious consequences
in the country's scientific and intellectual environment. It is
surprising how the matter was raised, with a semi-anonymous document
that seems to instigate segregation and self-censorship, with
oppressive and almost intimidating ad personas. It is an approach
that eliminates any possibility of dialogue, and suffocates the
invocation – legitimate, and perhaps necessary, after almost thirty
years – to explore certain gray areas on the conflicts of the
nineties, which the many black-and-white interpretations continue to
Other worrying elements seem to confirm the presence of a climate
that is not exactly favourable to freedom of expression in Banja
Luka. All the media outlets in the Republika Srpska, including
opposition ones – with the exception of the independent Buka – have
been completely silent on the matter. Almost none of the city's
intellectuals wrote and took a stand in solidarity with the History
Fest, with the usual exception of Srđan Puhalo and Dragan Bursać. "I
think they wanted the hologram of Slobodan Milošević, or his court
jester Vojislav Šešelj, to show up that day", said Puhalo. The
author himself recalls that in 2017 the University of Banja Luka
hosted the screening of an apologetic film on Radovan Karadžić, yet
no one at the time spoke of politicisation of history. It should be
acknowledged that even in Sarajevo and in the rest of Bosnia and
Herzegovina the case seems to have received little attention, partly
due to resignation and addiction to the climate of cultural
segregation, partly because the themes of everyday life take over,
partly because "memory excess" syndrome pushes individuals to
retreat into private memory and accept existing myths, rather than
seeking comparison and innovation in historiographical approaches.
A rational dialogue
Contacted by OBC Transeuropa, the director of History Fest Husnija
Kamberović tries to put things in perspective. "Judging by the
reactions, the festival went very well, apart from the Banja Luka
affair that we should not live like a tragedy". However, he responds
drastically to the accusations, stressing that "the concept of the
Festival is not based on the presence of certain national
historiographic representations, as the authors of that letter seem
to think, but on the participation of historians who reflect
critically on the past and are ready for a rational dialogue".
The accusation of never having invited any historian from Republika
Srpska is, claims Kamberović, "totally false: both this year and in
the past years we invited some historians from Banja Luka, certainly
not as representatives of Republika Srpska as such, but as
historians who present their own work. We also presented with them
publications from the Faculty of Philosophy itself [from which the
letter comes, ed.]". Kamberović lists us in detail the many joint
events that have taken place in recent years with Banja Luka's
colleagues, as if to claim a spontaneous and constant normality of
collaboration, not very visible at the time, very noisy now that it
is missing.
On the risk of ethnic segregation of historical research, Kamberović
explains: "The letter claims that some participants will present
work that deals directly with the history of the Serbian people in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is not entirely clear what is meant by
this, but it seems to imply that the history of the Serbian people
can only be told by Serbian historians, and here we disagree,
because we want to build a critical approach to historical problems,
not to close ourselves in our own national spaces. Relegating
history into national boundaries does not lead to scientific
historiography, but to affirmation of nationalism in historiography.
Here we disagree".
As for the non-invitation of representatives of Serbian politics in
the 1980s and 1990s, Kamberović reveals an unprecedented detail.
"Actually I tried to invite all the members of the last Yugoslav
collective presidency still alive. I spoke at length with everyone,
also with Borisav Jović [the Serbian member of the Yugoslav
collective presidency in 1990-91; at the time right arm of Slobodan
Milošević, ed.], we agreed with him he would participate. I wanted
an open discussion and maybe new elements, but then Borisav Jović
decided not to participate, and I don't want to reveal the reasons,
he will if he wants to".
In conclusion, we ask Kamberović if there will be consequences for
the future of the festival. "My position has always been, and will
remain in the future, that the History Fest cannot and must not be
politically exploited. The fact that the authors of the letter
attribute to us their own politicisation of history is a
consolidated tactic. "There was no reaction from the Banja Luka
academic community to this scandalous letter, and for me this is a
cause for disappointment. But no one will stop us in our intention
to defend the dignity of historical science, to cultivate the idea
of dialogue, no one will make us consent to the ethnicisation and
politicisation of history". |