Institutions abused: who was who in Serbia 1987-2000



“Biljana Kovačević-Vučo” Fund, Belgrade, August 2011



Dušan Bogdanović



The book "Misused Institutions: WHO WAS WHO in Serbia in 1987-2000" is a product of a three-year research project on the use, misuse and abuse of governmental institutions, political, social and other organizations in the creation and implementation of policies leading towards wars and disintegration of the SFR of Yugoslavia.

Apart from an overview of major state and social institutions of the time, the book provides political and professional CVs of 1,407 outstanding figures in politics,economy, culture, the media, military and intelligence structures- in other words, of the figures making the nomenklatura of Serbia's regime in the era of Slobodan Milosevic.

















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With the assistance of the Federal Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the FR of Germany





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