Tvrtko Jakovina

Yugoslavia on the International
Scene: The Active Coexistence
of Non-Aligned Yugoslavia






The foreign policy of Tito's Yugoslavia was always unusually dynamic, conspicuous and creative. Even immediately after the Second World War, when diplomats were impregnated with revolutionary charge, while the ideologized interpretation of the world and its future, search for allies among ideologically like-minded people, and the belief in restructuring based on a Marxist vision of the world and relying on the Soviet Union, did not mean that the diplomacy of the new Yugoslavia was not active and dynamic from the very outset.









Petar Žarković

Yugoslavia and the USSR
1945 - 1980: The History of
a Cold War Relationship





Case study 1

While one of the most devastating wars on the soil of Europe was nearing the end, the first foundations of the new Yugoslavia were being created. In this process, the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) distinguished itself as the main political force, due to its great capital, brought from the National Liberation Struggle. The old Royalist Yugoslav project was deeply compromised, both by its failure to build a stable and prosperous state in the interwar period, and by the political and military failure of the forces that stood behind it during the war.
















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With the assistance of the Federal Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the FR of Germany





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