Igor Duda

Everyday Life in Both
Yugoslavias: Catching up with





Case study 2

As in most of Europe during the past century, the everyday life of the majority of the population in both Yugoslavias was taking big strides toward change. Shorter and traumatic periods of high mortality rates and destruction (during the wars) alternated with long peaceful periods, and the initial and final results of both Yugoslav half-times pointed to an increase in the quality of life.









Nena Močnik, PhD

University of Ljubljana

“U divojke među nogan janje, a u
mene nožina za klanje”: The
Epistemological Evolution of
‘Imagining the Sexualities’
through Violence in Balkans





Case study 1

Very often the argument for the massive use of rape as a weapon during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1990s is based on Balkans’ assumingly violent sexual character of the society, patriarchally organized and ruled, what throughout the history visibly marked the roles of both, women and men, and somehow implied their positions as ‘victims’ for the first and/or ‘perpetrators’ for the second during the combat.


















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With the assistance of the Federal Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the FR of Germany





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